In the rolled section market, Zinc rolled sections are already the most widely used nonferrous material for architectural uses such as roofing, flashings, coatings and coverings. Simar is a leading firm both in Italy and on the international scene with its production of Zintek, a particular rolled section alloy of zinc, copper and titanium.
As a zinc - copper - titanium rolled section, Zintek leads the way when it comes to respect for the environment and competitiveness with other nonferrous metals with similar applications. There's no need for maintenance; in addition Zintek guarantees a long lasting performance through time and presents features that are aesthetically pleasing.
Moreover the features of Zintek rolled sections and its components (zinc, copper and titanium) allow for optimum forming, soldering and welding properties.
The employment of zinc rolled sections enhances the architectural features of buildings in all types of settings and in particular zinc's resistance to atmospheric corrosion allows for lower maintenance and restoration costs of the rolled sections.
What is the main employment of Zinc rolled sections in architecture?
Zinc rolled sections and Zintek in particular are suited for any type of architectural employment, from roofing to coatings to facades. Zinc copper and titanium rolled sections are also employed for profiles, gutters, flashings, waterspouts and a variety of finishes.
Why are zinc rolled sections particularly suited for all types of work demands?Thanks to their physical and chemical properties zinc copper and titanium rolled sections including Zintek feature high ductility and malleability properties.
Società Metalli Marghera Spa - via delle Industrie, 22 - 30175 Porto Marghera - Venezia - Phone 041 2901991 - Fax 041 2901826 - laminati@simarzincorame.com
zinc rolled sections - zinc roofing - zinc alloys